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Depression Quiz

                  Depression Quiz

 When an individual experiences difficulties in their life, they may experience what we call “situational depression.” This is a sadness or hopelessness due to a stress related event such as:

  • An illness
  • Problems at work or school
  • Death of a loved one or beloved pet
  • Moving to a new location
  • Relationship problems or breakup
  • Anxiety situation

Situational depression is often short term when approached correctly. Natural treatment is often very helpful in the elimination of this type of depression.

Quiz for Depression

  • Are you experiencing a sadness causing you to feel down or cry on a daily basis?
  • Do you feel a hopelessness that is difficult to shake?
  • Is insomnia a new symptom that is interfering with your sleep patterns?
  • Are you constantly worrying, and experiencing anxiety or stress?
  • Has negative “what if” thinking become your habit?
  • Do you find your appetite has declined?
  • Is it difficult for you to concentrate and you suffer from a lack of focus?
  • Do small stresses overwhelm you?
  • Are you experiencing a lack of interest or difficulty with daily activities?
  • Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed?
  • Are you avoiding social situations?
  • Do you find yourself spending more time alone?
  • Are you experiencing hormonal changes?
  • Are you avoiding physical activities because you feel fatigued or unmotivated?
  • Do you have a background of childhood stress?
  • Do you have a history of depression in your family?

If you answered “yes” to many of the above questions, you might be experiencing a short term feeling of depression, which is not difficult to overcome if approached correctly.

Through the proper natural approach, you will learn how to:

  • Boost Serotonin in the brain, through learning to retrain the brain.
  • Follow a Serotonin boosting food plan
  • Use a specific exercise and activity plan to not only add to the production of Serotonin but to alleviate the majority of depression symptoms.
  • You’ll learn how to rest and relax in a way that refreshes both mind and body so your body will be tired at night and sleep will come naturally and restfully, as it was in childhood.
  • You’ll learn the value of outdoor activity and how it helps heal and upset mind and rejuvenate a mind and body exhausted from worry.
  • You’ll learn how to focus on stepping out of your own way, allowing the mind to refresh. Depression dissolves when you stop fueling it with fear and negativity. Happiness naturally replaces feelings of negativity and depression.

For further information concerning depression and stress, feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM(EST). We welcome your calls and will be glad answer your questions and share information with you.

Anxiety Busters
Phone: 215-635-4700
Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)
Natural Recovery, Permanent Cure

Agoraphobia Recovery

Agoraphobia: Fear of open or crowded places, of leaving one’s own home, or of being in places in which one feels trapped or unable to escape, often triggering panic attacks.

Agoraphobia is a word that may sound upsetting but the truth of the matter is that this is a condition that is not difficult to overcome, when approached correctly.

Those who struggle with Agoraphobia believe there is safety in their own home, avoid public places and have difficulty making commitments due to anticipatory anxiety. Avoidance has been their coping method but there is a better way through this and onto recovery.

The symptoms of Agoraphobia are:

  • Panic attacks
  • Discomfort making long range plans
  • Limited scope of travel, remaining in a area deemed”safe” radius around home.
  • Racing heart
  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Shaking
  • Insomnia
  • Sweating
  • Fearful Thinking
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Numbness
  • Tingling sensations
  • Anticipatory anxiety
  • Depersonalization
  • Derealization
  • Stomach upset, IBS
  • Lightheadedness
  • Blurred Vision
  • Inability to travel comfortably
  • Avoidance of public places, crowds, and driving distances
  • Feeling trapped and anxious in lines
  • Feeling anxiety when far from home
  • Sensitization is when an individual becomes reactive or “sensitized” to outside stimuli.
    – Lights appear brighter more glaring.
    – Sounds seem louder and harsher.
    – Thoughts feel more upsetting and scarier.
    – All senses seem to be on high alert or exaggerated.When upset or worried for prolonged periods of time, sensitization results in stronger reactivity. Learning to interrupt this symptom of intense reactivity, leading to agoraphobia is not difficult when approached correctly.

Agoraphobia: Natural Recovery Treatment

Agoraphobia is based upon your thoughts. After a stressful time (prolonged worry, health worries, relationship worries, school anxiety, health worries, family worries, work stress) one believes it is the place triggering the symptoms. This is not the case. It is never the place. The symptoms always begin with a thought. It is your perception of the place, never the place itself. It is what you tell yourself about how you feel in the place.

Agoraphobia is when one believes they are safe at home but it is never the place. It is how one thinks in the place. If you learn to think correctly, you will feel safe anywhere, regardless of the situation.

Learning to think differently, results in a calmer mind and body.

The individual learns they are in control over the way they feel. Change your thinking and you change your reactions.

Four Steps to Recovery:

1- Understanding- Realizing it is never the place but what you tell yourself in the place. Fearful, negative thinking triggers the release of adrenaline resulting in anxiety symptoms, causing you to seek escape.

2- Embracing- Full 100% acceptance of the physical feelings that occur. Go through the symptoms without trying to stop them, proving to yourself that your fear( that kept you trapped) will dissolve. You are back in control and feel safe in any situation, no longer feeling the need to run or avoid.

3- Self Proof- Slowly but surely begin re-visiting places you previously felt uncomfortable. Use your tools and techniques to calm yourself, without running or avoiding. Go through the symptom the right way and you will be able to comfortably go places without the urge to run or avoid.

4- Repetition- Continue using the techniques and avoidance will quickly resolve itself. Going places out of your comfort zone will quickly change from fear producing to comfortable. This is because you will be using the tools that provide you with instant relief from the symptoms that kept you in avoidance mode.

What is a Comfort Zone?
Remember, “comfort zone” is just a place you’ve told yourself is safe. You can change this directive any time you choose. You can change your belief by proving to yourself that any place is safe. All you need to do is to think correctly in the place without giving yourself fearful signals. You will remain there comfortably with the proper perspective. If you told yourself you were safe anywhere you went you would be turning off the fear that released stress chemicals such as adrenaline, which created uncomfortable symptoms.

Above all, know you are not ill. This is not an illness and never has been. This is a learned behavior that you can easily unlearn. It’s about proving to yourself that you can go through these sensations and come out on the other side. Your previous running from the feelings kept you agoraphobic and unable to enjoy life.

Follow the above steps and reclaim your life. A learned behavior, such as this, is not difficult to unlearn and well worth the effort. The results are: control over your life again, lack of fear and returning to your daily routine in a comfortable and enjoyable manner.

Please feel free to contact us for a complimentary consultation and we will be glad to answer all your questions.

Anxiety Busters
Phone: 215-635-4700
Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)
Open 7 Days a Week, for your convenience





Homework Anxiety

In this day and age, when succeeding and achieving has become such an important part of one’s future, children often begin to experience school and essentially homework anxiety. This may occur at any age but primarily is noticed in their preteen years. Schoolwork becomes more advanced and they are given assignments that require more thought and time. They are encouraged to think about what they are learning and expand upon the subjects. This challenges them in a good way, although many feel it’s not as simple a task, as homework was in the past.

The best way to deal with this is to supply the student with an organized homework plan and study skills that will make homework a lot simpler and easier to cope with, instead of that “dreaded night time ritual.”

Homework Skills

  • Time Organization– Set a definite after school or after dinner time devoted to homework assignments. It’s essential to allow the proper amount of time for homework, since you do not want your child still up at 11:00 PM with only half their assignments completed.
  • Homework Environment- Choose a room that is quiet and a tech-free zone, unless they require a computer to do assignments. Turn off all Smart Phones so they do not buzz or ring while concentrating on homework. Turn off televisions so all focus is on homework, rather than “juggling,” or doing two things at once.
  • Prioritize- Decide which assignments are more important, as in which are due the next day. These are the ones to approach first. Time is of the essence, so make sure the focus is on what is most important.
  • Tests- Studying for tests requires gradual studying, rather than last minute cramming. Impress upon your child that it’s far easier to learn and absorb gradually than trying to remember things you are merely memorizing at the last minute. Urge them to discuss their subjects and ask questions of their teachers and parents if not clear on certain aspects of the topic. Flash cards and quizzing are other helpful ways to study and help absorb information.
  • Nutrition- The foods one ingests also play a strong part in the way one learns and absorbs material. Eating a meal high in protein, good carbs and fats will help maintain balanced blood sugar levels, making the exercise of studying and doing homework far easier. It also naturally boosts Serotonin in the brain which elevates mood and creates a less reactive individual. Good Nutrition equals better stamina and sense of well-being. A calm individual always will perform better. Thinking on an empty stomach often suffers. The brain requires proper nutrition to remain in the zone of learning. A protein snack (real food) before doing homework will increase one’s ability to concentrate and retain information
  • Exercise- Always allow time outdoors for exercise before or after doing homework assignments. This burns off excess energy, quiets the mind and relaxes one to sit down and concentrate. It boosts endorphins and promotes the ability to focus on studies. Outdoor activity is recommended as outdoor light helps to increase Serotonin levels in the brain. Even cloudy days are brighter and more beneficial than indoor lighting.
  • Homework Frustration- If your child is having difficulty with any subject and they have attended all classes, it is imperative to speak to the teacher. Find out where the difficulty lies and what your child can do to improve understanding. Is there extra credit they can do or does this teacher offer “in school “or after class “extra-help” sessions or tutoring in the subject. Are there student tutors in your school that offer help at affordable rates or outside tutors specializing in specific subjects. Never hesitate to reach out for extra help since this could set your child on the right track in a short period of time. Often a few sessions give them the understanding they need.
  • Remember, Homework is Not Punishment- Therefore, make it a pleasant experience. Explain to your child that homework is to learn about things that are interesting and exciting. Not all subjects may feel this way at first but if you discuss them in a spirited way, it may awaken their interest in the topic. Anything can be made more interesting if approached correctly. The goal is to make learning fun.
  • Assisting with Homework- Naturally there will be times when your child asks for homework assistance and that is fine. Just remember that homework is for your child, not you. It is to make them think about what they learned in class and use their own mind to apply the answers. Discuss the questions with them and always ask, “What do you think?” Let them tell you, rather than you supplying the answers. This way you will be helpful, without doing the work and they will feel confident that they did it themselves.

Most of all let your children know that learning and education is something that makes them more interesting people. It allows them to discuss many topics with friends and family. It paves the way for a future that includes topics and ideas they may want to learn more about so they can pursue their dreams in life.

It’s all about perspective. Making homework less of a drudge is the goal. Understanding that there is a purpose to homework and this is to make them view things from all sides and perspectives. So much depends on how you, as a parent, approach the subject of homework, as well. Never treat homework as punishment, “Go do your homework, NOW!” but as an opportunity to put one’s learning to good use. This, and your tone, are key to inspiring your child to approach homework in a less anxious manner.

For further information about a Natural Approach to Teen and Adolescent Anxiety feel free to contact Anxiety Busters, 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST), Counseling and Programs.
Anxiety Busters, Inc.


Depersonalization Quiz

Depersonalization Quiz

  • Definition:

    Depersonalization is the feeling of unreality due to prolonged anxiety, stress and fear. Derealization is the strange or unfamiliar sensation experienced when looking at familiar surroundings. Both are products of a tired mind, and not considered an illness. There is a specific approach which serve to fully eliminate these anxiety related experiences. Through a natural approach one is able to fully obliterate these intrusions and move forward with their life.

  • Depersonalization Quiz

    Do you experience feelings of unreality, out of body sensations or feeling as if you are watching yourself instead of being part of the moment?

    Do you spend a great deal of time worrying in terms of “what if” thinking?

    Are you unable to relax and allow your mind to settle down?

    Do you analyze situations and then over-analyze them once again?

    Do you feel as if your mind is over-tired but you can’t settle down?

    Do you often feel your surroundings appear “different” or “unfamiliar?”

    Do you experience what you would describe as “out of body” feelings?

    Are you often angry and yet unable to communicate this emotion?

    Does anxiety frustrate you and interfere in your life?

    Have you experienced feelings of confusion or has your sense of direction appeared slightly “off?”

    Is it difficult to transition from reading or watching a movie to the present moment?

    Do subtle changes in your environment create feelings of unfamiliarity?

    Do you become immersed when looking at old photographs or talking about the past, and find it
    difficult to transition to present moment?

    Do you often question your existence?

    Do you frequently feel as if you are watching life through a curtain or fog?

    Do you feel a subtle brain fog or fuzziness as if you can’t relate clearly to life?

    Do you touch objects and yet do not feel as if you touched them?

    Do you question your memory and test yourself?

    Do you experience vague visual problems, perceptual difficulties or distortion?

    Have your health worries increased?

    If you find yourself thinking “this sounds like me” after reading this questionnaire, there is a good chance you are experiencing mild depersonalization.

    Depersonalization follows a distinct path and there is a specific treatment process for permanent cure.

  • Facts Concerning Depersonalization

    Depersonalization is not a mental illness and therefore does NOT have to be treated as one.

    Depersonalization is created out of prolonged anxiety.

    Sleep deprivation, marijuana and other recreational drug use, alcohol, caffeine and minocycline may create symptoms of depersonalization.

    Depression, Anxiety and Stress often creates increased cortisol levels and decreased serotonin levels within the body within the body…leading to feelings of depersonalization.

    There is a logical explanation for depersonalization and it is easily reversed once understood and treated correctly


Specific Treatment

  • There is a specific treatment for depersonalization.

    Getting Started:

    Begin by utilizing our Depersonalization Program Package along with our short term Weekly Telephone Sessions with Dr. Freedman to achieve a complete and permanent recovery.

    This will include:

    Understanding/Full Explanation Behavioral Modification (Accelerated Coping Skills)

    Nutrition/Diet Plan and Menu (Serotonin Boosting Diet)

    Achieved by Adhering to the Following:Complete understanding of this disorder/sensation through proper explanation, hard facts not fiction.

    Natural Methods do work and will eliminate depersonalization when properly followed. Stress Relief through specific Behavioral Modification and correct use of Neutralizing Diet using whole foods (already in one’s kitchen) lowers cortisol levels, boosts serotonin naturally and balances blood
    sugar levels.

    Specific Exercises boost serotonin, lower cortisol levels. Mindset adaptation. Retraining mind/body. Taming an overactive mind. Alleviation of anxiety and depression (essential factor) through behavioral modification, Serotonin boosting diet and blood sugar balancing. Short term weekly telephone counseling sessions to jumpstart progress.

For further information feel free to contact us at Anxiety Busters, 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST) or email us at

Perimenopause and Anxiety

Perimenopause is a time when a woman’s body begins changing and preparing for one’s latter part of life. There is no longer a need for certain hormones to enable the body to bear children and ideally instead of an immediate shut down, the body slowly but surely eases the release of these hormones. This sounds ideal and would be the easiest way to transition but unfortunately the body is often unpredictable and shuts down hormonal function in a variety of ways.

This is predicated upon many variables:

– Your weight – Thinner women often experience the drop in estrogen a lot stronger as estrogen is stored in adipose (fat) tissues.

– Your age – Perimenopause depends on family history and often relates to the age your mother reached this transition.

– Your diet- Certain foods help maintain balanced blood sugar levels and naturally boost Serotonin in the brain, which help one feeling grounded and calm.

– Your medications- Certain medications could exacerbate symptoms of menopause and anxiety. Check with your prescribing physician.

– Your history- Having a history of panic and anxiety could play a part in your reaction to lowering hormone levels.

Symptoms of Perimenopause that Mimic or Trigger Anxiety

– Heart Palpitations: Often occurring in the middle of the night, waking and frightening the individual if they are not aware of this symptom.

– Hot Flashes: Feeling warm and breaking out in a sweat which lingers if one adds fear to the process.

– Lightheadedness/Dizziness: Often felt when one rises after being seated or reclining for a time. May wake one from sleep if a night flash is being experienced.

– Depersonalization/Derealization: Often experienced after prolonged periods of fearful worry and anxious thoughts.

– Changes in Menstrual Cycle: Anything is normal at this time. Skipped periods or several periods a month.

– Moodiness: Changes from sadness to happiness, often from one moment to the next. This is purely due to hormonal changes in the body.

Solutions and Management Suggestions

– Stay Calm and heart palpitations will dissipate faster. Fearful worried thought only adds to the length of time they last.

– Stay Cool by opting for cotton sheets, cotton clothing and layer your clothing so top articles can be removed if you feel warm.

– Take your time rising from bed and chairs. The lightheadedness will eventually ebb, so for now take your time until hormones adjust.

– Learn how to cope with feelings of anxiety, panic, general anxiety, depersonalization and derealization but learning how to talk to yourself in a more productive manner. Changing behaviors allow a more peaceful mind and body. Use food corrections as well to maintain balanced blood sugar levels and boosted Serotonin in the brain.

– Accept changes in menstrual cycle, knowing it will eventually balance out, dwindle and discontinue.

– Learn to meditate and cope with moodiness by recognizing it and consciously making choices to relax and accept.

All in all, perimenopause can be a simpler transition if you recognize what is occurring and learn to compensate for the changes. In the long run, everything does balance out and life returns to normal, minus the intrusive changes monthly. Getting over this hump is not difficult if approached correctly. It can be navigated smoothly once you understand what is occurring and the logic behind it. Knowledge really is power. The more you understand, the less you will feel out of sorts. Learn to change the way you think, eat and take back control of your life. Perimenopause will become an easier transition when you know all the facts and apply them to your life.

For further information and questions feel free to contact us at Anxiety Busters, Inc. 215-635-4700, Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST). We welcome your calls!

Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Anxiety and Boredom

The personality profile of someone who struggles with anxiety is the individual who is highly intelligent, analytical, perfectionist, over-achiever and creative. It is someone who does well when they are immersed, both mind and body, in an interest that allows them full occupation.

Boredom is the enemy of anyone who suffers with depersonalization, derealization or any form of anxiety. The mind, when not occupied by a stimulating interest, often goes inward in thinking. Worries sprout out of this behavior and health fears seem to be the fruit of these worries.

It’s noticeable that the same person who is highly concerned over health issues, that seem to grow out of nowhere, is often minus these same intrusions while they are fully occupied or passionately involved with interesting activities and functions.

This does not mean one has to be on the move at all times but it’s been shown that those who follow an active routine and schedule, are apt to struggle far less with intrusive symptoms of anxiety, depersonalization, derealization related symptoms. This is even stronger if their days are filled with activities they find stimulating, both physically and intellectually.

We often hear that overstimulation fuels anxiety and certain conditions such as depersonalization/derealization, but at the other end of the spectrum is Understimulation, which can be just as much of a contributor to anxiety and depersonalization. Leisure time in moderation is healing and relaxing. On the other hand, too much leisure time contributes to the habit of going inward in thought. This leads to health fears, worries and boredom thinking. This is where the mind shifts into overthinking, leading to the typical fatigued or exhausted mind, also known as depersonalization. The tired mind is not due to lack of sleep but to the habit of intense self study or fearful thinking.

Stimulate an Understimulated Mind and Body:

1- Find a physical activity you enjoy and lose yourself in it every day. Walking, swimming, jogging, tennis, etc.

2- Set a routine and schedule to fill excess time during the day that you notice is conducive to worry and fearful thought.

3- Volunteer at your local hospital, pet rescue center, school, daycare or senior center.

4- Coach a sports team

5- Tutor children or adults in school who require extra help that might be your expertise.

6- Community Centers offer activities and opportunities to play cards, volleyball, meet people who share your interests.

7- Locate parks and recreation areas nearby and spend some time outdoors, enjoying the beauty of nature and stimulating both mind and body.

Regardless of weather, it is very helpful to immerse oneself in outdoor activities on a daily basis. The rewards are endless. It strengthens the body, boosts Serotonin levels in the brain, aids in digestion, builds a healthy heart, and adds to Endorphins which adds to a true sense of well being. This is why children rarely complain of anxiety and depersonalization. They are kept busy, scheduled and are outdoors for after school activities.

Take a risk and connect with others who share similar interests. Whether it be cards, sports, dance or discussion groups. Jump back into life again and you’ll find the physical and emotions results are well worth the effort.

For further information, contact us at 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST), 7 Days a Week. We Welcome Your Calls. All Natural Approach to Anxiety.

Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)
Natural Treatment of Anxiety and Depersonalization

Anxiety Reaction to Botox

Botox has been a long time option, used by many men and women, to decrease lines and wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body. It seems very commonplace at this time and many have choose to inject this product without a further thought. This is a choice and has often given the user the results they had hoped for, without a problem or difficulty.

It is important to know all the facts about a substance before deciding this is for you. All chemicals are known to have benefits as well as adverse reactions. It is your obligation to yourself to know everything about the substance so you are not caught “off guard” if experiencing symptoms that are both intrusive and upsetting.

Botox has been known to result in a long list of adverse reactions and it is to your best benefit to be aware of them. These side effects could create feelings of anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness, ringing in ears, along with other physical and emotional reactions.

It’s best to become acquainted with all side effects before choosing to use any substance.

Side Effects of Botox

  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in Ears
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Dry Mouth
  • Digestive Upsets
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Tiredness
  • Increased Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach Pain
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulties in Urinating

These are just a few symptoms which one could experience while using this substance. Most who are prone to anxiety and/or depersonalization could find themselves reactive to Botox injections. This is a something that should be considered before using this form of substance.

It does help to know the facts before assuming your anxiety arose out of the blue or ringing in your ears is a sign of something significant. It’s best to be informed so you can make an educated decision about use of this product or any other.

Once again, knowledge is power and the more you learn about medications, the more prepared you are to deal with any adverse reactions.

For further information, feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST), 7 Days a Week.
We Welcome Your Calls and Emails.

Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)
Natural Treatment of Anxiety

CBD Oil and Anxiety Side Effects

Cannabidiol (CBD) has recently been touted as a well tolerated and safe treatment for many health issues. There is a flip side to this treatment and one should be aware of it before assuming it is perfectly safe to use.

It has been known to cause many side effects and reactions in individuals. These adverse reactions range from mild side effects to more serious and potentially harmful reactions.  The best defense against these side effects is knowing the facts and making a knowledgeable decision before using these medications.

Recent studies have found that although CBD oil may potentially alleviate pain and symptom distress from many health difficulties such as anxiety, depersonalization, depression and insomnia, it may also increase these difficulties when use is discontinued. This is a very serious issue since it is creating withdrawal symptoms and rebound effect. This categorizes it as an addictive substance and can be just as problematic as any other addictive substance.

Here is a list of possible side effects reported in the use of CBD Oil:

  • Anxiety and Depersonalization
  • Depersonalization: Feelings of Disconnection
  • Derealization
  • GI Problems: Diarrhea
  • Lightheadedness/Dizziness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Spaciness
  • Malaise: Tiredness
  • Higher Liver Enzymes: A sign that could lead to liver damage.
  • Interaction with other medications
  • Addiction
  • Withdrawal Symptoms when stopped.
  • Rebound Effect: When stopped, initial symptoms return.

It is therefore important to make a knowledgeable choice when considering the use of CBD Oil. Even though it does not contain THC delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the hallucinogenic found in marijuana, it has been reported to cause the above adverse reactions in many individuals.

One must consider the medications they are now taking and the interactions that may occur. Research is still ongoing concerning the efficacy and safety of CBD oil and this must also be considered. Natural is a good alternative but one must consider all the factors involved.

There is also the individual who is generally more reactive to substances in general. This must be a consideration before using this oil.

Knowing your own limitations and reactions is important before jumping into the use of a new therapy or medication. If you have a weak digestive system, this might not be for you. If you are suffering with fatigue, this might only make you feel more exhausted. If you are prone to anxiety reactions and easily triggered panic, then the withdrawal from this substance might interfere with your sense of well being.

It’s always wise to check with your personal physician and discuss all the variables of using a new substance to alleviate any physical discomfort.

There are many reasons to consider use of CBD oil but there are also strong reasons to pass on its use. The alternative options are there for you and very effective. Know yourself and base your decision on what you feel most comfortable using. Never feel there is only one way to achieve the results you are trying to obtain. Use good common sense and know that you do have the power to change your mind, no matter what your decision.

In conclusion, there are no miracle potions. Some solutions work for some and not so much for others. Be aware of your reactivity levels and learn as much as you can before using a new product. Knowledge really is power and knowing all the facts is a must before using any new product.

For More Information Call Us At 215-635-4700, Anxiety Busters, Inc,
We Welcome Your Calls and Emails. We Share Information. All Natural Treatment

Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Solutions for the Mental and Emotional Fatigue of Anxiety

Stress will always be are a part of life regardless of its direction . There are good stresses as well as bad stresses but bottom line, stress is invasive, intrusive and needs to be addressed.

The happiest individuals still have to cope with stress. The goal is not to eliminate stress as this is an impossible task. Instead, the true goal is to deal with it effectively by learning to cope with stress as a challenge rather than something to avoid. Resistance to stress ensures further stress. Coping effectively with stress releases both mental anguish and physical contractions. Therefore, learn to recognize stress, acknowledge its presence and find an immediate solution. By doing so, you will no longer be the victim of life by learning how to navigate it effectively.

Signals of Excessive Stress in Your Life

– Wired and Tired at the same time. You feel depleted and drained, yet find it difficult to settle down. Sleep eludes you and your energy levels are at a low.

– Lack of Appetite often resulting in weight loss.

– Insomnia leading to restlessness during the day anticipating another sleepless night.

– Severe Anxiety Symptoms interfering with the quality of your life.

– Irritability due to dropping Serotonin levels.

– Numbness, detachment, brain fog, and depersonalization/derealization surfacing from the habit of prolonged worry and fearful thought.

– Nauseated and Lightheaded (dizziness) is a frequent visitor to anyone under constant stress.

– Low Emotions stemming from frustration rather than true depression.


– Time to slow down and make choices that benefit your physical and emotional health. Stop rushing and enjoy the present moment. Slowing down brings great relief and turns an overactive mind and body into a more peaceful system, able to enjoy life rather than stress through it.

– Signs of depletion or slight adrenal fatigue often respond well to a gradual program of moderate exercise (always in moderation). Begin slowly and gradually increase intensity. A good walking or swimming program is highly recommended.

– Lack of Appetite is remedied by outdoor activity. Fresh air and sunlight lift spirits and increase a true sense of well being. Serotonin levels naturally rise as the joy of living returns.

– Nutrition and a Specific Food Plan will easily lend itself to balanced blood sugar levels, leading to a calmer, less irritable personality. This will also boost Serotonin levels in the brain naturally.

– Learning how to effectively interrupt anxiety and panic allows one the freedom to relax and regain control over how they feel in all situations. Remember, it’s not about eliminating stress but coping with it effectively.

– Self Soothing Exercises ensures a calmer digestive tract. Learning how to settle oneself is essential to a calmer mind and body.

– Use of Correct Breathing interrupts the lightheaded sensations and dizziness. When upset, one either becomes an over-breather or breath holder. Learning the fine art of relaxed breathing through simple techniques allows the body to properly oxygenate itself as peace of mind and body return.

– Depersonalization/Derealization is merely a mind that has become fatigued by the constant habit of fearful worry. This self-study is a learned behavior that is easily unlearned. With a simple and effective approach, depersonalization and derealization are rapidly interrupted as the mind refreshes and clarity returns.

Bottom line, the symptoms of intrusive stress reactions, leading to anxiety and depersonalization conditions, are easily managed when approached correctly. You are not the victim of life when you grab back control. With a few simple steps, as listed above, you will learn how to gain control by making a few corrections to every day thinking and living. You always have a choice. Choose to make life choices that bring forth peace and ease rather than disruption of the mind and body. It’s always a choice, and you have the capacity to effectively navigate through stress in the most productive way possible, leading to fulfillment and quality living.


For further information contact us at Anxiety Busters website

Phone and Skype Counseling Sessions addressing this topic are also available.

Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Hidden Causes of Anxiety and Depersonalization

Are you experiencing anxiety symptoms that seem to have surfaced out of the blue? Were you living a perfectly peaceful life until anxiety reared its ugly head? Have you tried many different approaches to anxiety and yet it still remains as intrusive as ever?

If you have answered yes to the above questions, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at what might be causing your anxiety and symptoms of depersonalization.

Sometimes we overlook possible triggers of anxiety reactions. We try to look deep within our psyche for deep seated issues when sometimes the answer is as simple as a medication you’ve been taking or a nasal spray you thought of as innocuous.

Here is a list of overlooked anxiety and depersonalization triggers that might be causing your discomfort:

Hidden Anxiety and Depersonalization Triggers:

– Medications: Certain medications create a host of adverse reactions, anxiety being high on that list.

Nasal Sprays and other Antihistamines- Many of these medications, even when OTC (over the counter) are strong and result in intrusive anxiety related side effects for many individuals. From anxiety to achy legs, they should only be used according to physician’s directives and discontinued with the proper protocol. If you experience anxiety, insomnia, tremors or sore limbs, contact your prescribing physician immediately. Only you know your body and if a medication is causing difficulties. Trust Yourself. Also, check and see if certain OTC antihistamines may cause “excitability.” This is another term for anxiety.

Antibiotics- Many experience anxiety symptoms and even feelings of depersonalization when using certain antibiotics. This is why it is essential to alert your prescribing physician concerning your sensitivities and for them to order accordingly. Ingesting a good yogurt often prevents many symptoms but once again check with your pharmacist or prescribing physician, making sure this does not interfere with the action of the medication before doing so.

Antidepressants- Many antidepressants may result in anxiety reactions and feelings of depersonalization. Sometimes anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax or Klonopin are prescribed to counter these reactions. Withdrawal symptoms may be brutal when discontinuation begins. A very specific protocol must be used when withdrawing from use of these medications.

Anti-Anxiety Benzodiazapines– These medications take the edge off anxiety symptoms and can be effective for temporary use during times of extreme anxiety. This can become a problem when taken on a daily basis or multiple times during the day. When the medication wears off, stronger anxiety may return. After a week or two the body becomes tolerant of these medications, requiring a larger dosage in order to bring forth the same effect. This may cause dependency and addiction both physically and mentally. Withdrawal symptoms may also be very difficult if not approached correctly.

-Pre-Workout Formulas: The properties of pre-workout formulas are often spiked with substances that increase the metabolism. They have similar properties to caffeine, speeding up the system and causing anxious reactions, insomnia and feelings of depersonalization. Hair loss may also occur caused by the use of these formulas. Withdrawal is just as difficult when extreme fatigue and lethargy sets in along with a foggy mind.

-Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This chemical is found in many food products as a flavor enhancer. It is widely used in many recipes and should be avoided as it often produces anxiety symptoms and reactions. It may elevate brain levels of glutamate which is one of the excitatory hormones resulting in anxiety and stress. Check specific foods for this chemical such as soups, beef jerky, frozen meals, and many canned products as well.

-Sugar Substitutes: These chemicals often trigger symptoms of anxiety and agitation.

Splenda (sucralose) for one, is known to create panic-like agitation in many who use it.

Sorbitol found in most sugar-free foods, is a laxative, which has been known to also cause dizziness.

Aspartame(Nutrasweet) often results in fatigue, headaches and visual disturbances for many who use it.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is a highly refined artificial product, an additive that goes directly to the liver, instructing the body to store fat. It often creates IBS type symptoms.

-Coffee and Tea: Caffeinated beverages trigger anxiety and add to feelings of depersonalization. It’s recommended to mix with decaffeinated versions of the same beverage while slowly withdrawing from the caffeine version, until fully decaffeinated.

-Alcohol: Alcohol is high on the glycemic index, meaning it adds high levels of sugars into the bloodstream. This is why many feel extremely anxious the day following drinking. Blood sugar levels spike and dip in a way that disrupts one’s sense of balance and well being.

Nicotine also contributes to feelings of anxiety. Nicotine is a stimulant and results in creating anxiety and irritability. Many mistakenly believe that smoking is relaxing when the opposite occurs. It’s the breathing in, holding the breath and exhaling that is relaxing. The nicotine creates increase in heart rate and revs up the system.

-Marijuana: Since marijuana is not always regulated it often results in severe symptoms of anxiety and depersonalization. Amounts of THC are not always the same, which can result in uncomfortable sensations which often frighten and upset the user.

Bottom line, it is imperative to become fully knowledgeable concerning substances which may result in anxiety reactions. Becoming the consumer who investigates these products before blindly consuming is essential in maintaining good mental health.

It is always up to you, whether purchasing a product from the grocery store or using prescribed medications. Be the individual who asks questions.
Ask your pharmacist about adverse reactions.
Ask your doctor about potential side effects.
Most of all, know your body and read the facts and information included on foods, over the counter medications and even prescription medications.

You will find life becomes easier when become the intelligent consumer who has the final choice concerning what you ingest and what you wisely choose not to ingest after careful investigation.

For further information, feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST). We welcome your calls and will be glad to answer your questions.

Anxiety Busters, Inc.
Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)