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Acid Reflux: The Natural Remedy

Acid Reflux is experienced by many people who struggle with anxiety. In fact, feeling anxious often fuels the physical symptoms of acid reflux. When one is upset, the body produces more adrenaline and stomach acid increases as well. This is irritating to the stomach and can create all the symptoms of reflux and GERD. There are definite symptoms of Acid Reflux and they are easy to identify:

Common symptoms of acid reflux are:

  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation: a sour or bitter-tasting acid backing up into your throat when you burp.

Other symptoms of acid reflux disease include:

  • Gassy stomach
  • Bloated Stomach
  • Burping
  • Dysphagea- the sensation of food being stuck in your throat
  • Hiccups
  • Burning in back of throat
  • Hoarse, Laryngitis type symptoms
  • Wheezing, Cough and Feeling of mucus in throat

    Causes of Acid Reflux

  • Overweight
  • Eating too much at one large meal
  • Tight clothing
  • Anxiety and Tension
  • Rushing through meals
  • Spicy foods
  • Chocolate
  • Mints
  • Citrus foods
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Fried Foods
  • High Fat Foods
  • Reclining after meals
  • Going to bed too soon after after meals
  • Eating too late in the evening

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

– Exercise Daily
– Low Fat Food Choices
– Lower Sugar content in foods
– Earlier Dinner
– Smaller meals (4-6 smaller meals), spread out over 3-4 hours
– Address and treat anxiety and stress
– Avoid eating 3 hours before bed, avoid drinking 2 hours before bed
– Lose Weight
– Antacids (Tums, Gaviscon, Baking Soda)
– Meditation
– No Tobacco
– No Alcohol

  Food Plan for Acid Reflux

Good Foods

Meats, Poultry and Fish:
Lean, Grilled, Steamed, Baked or Broiled Beef, Chicken, Turkey or Fish
Fruits: Melons, Berries, Apples, Peaches, Grapes, Bananas
Vegetables: Every vegetable, other than tomatoes and onions, that is not spicy or fried.
Dairy: Low fat dairy items such as low fat or fat free milk, low fat or fat free sour cream, hard cheeses, ice cream. Fat free is best. Low fat if tolerated.
Beverages: Decaffeinated drinks, Non-Citrus Fruit Juices, Water, Non-Spicy teas,
Breads and Grains: Lower fat breads and Cereals. Oatmeal, Pasta, Cereals, Brown Rice, White Rice, Baked Chips, Whole Grain Breads (ex: rye, oat)
Soups and Stews: Low fat minus tomato or onion base.
Snacks: Low fat, Puddings, Angel Food Cake, Vanilla rather than chocolate, Pretzels, Popcorn, Baked Chips, Graham Crackers, Saltines.


– Chocolate
– Citrus. No Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit
– High Fat Foods
– Mint: No mint teas, candies or chewing gum
– Whole Milk or Cream, Full Fat Sour Cream, Full Fat Cottage Cheese, Full Fat Cheeses
– Tomatoes. Tomato Sauces, Tomato Soups, Tomato Paste, Tomato Garnishes, Salsa.
– Cocoa
– Alcohol
– Cold Cuts
– Fried Foods: Fried Eggs, Fried Meats, Fried Chicken, Fried Fish
– Caffeine: Coffee, Tea, Sodas
– Garlic and Onion
– Butter
– Pineapple: Fresh, Canned, Frozen.
– Nitrites (found in Bacon, Hot Dogs and Lunch Meats such as Bologna)
– Carbonated Beverages

Remember that it’s important to eat smaller meals, lose weight if necessary, elevate the  head portion of your bed.
Do not eat for 3 hours before sleeping
Do not drink for 2 hours before sleeping.
Exercise Daily
Try not to slouch after eating. Sit up straight
Learn anti-anxiety techniques and sleep well
Antacids are helpful but your diet and lifestyle are very important when dealing with Acid Reflux and GERD.

For further information concerning Acid Reflux, feel free to call or email us at 215-635-4700,

Boost Your Immune System, Naturally

Prolonged stress and tension during these difficult times may lead to a compromised immune system. It may also result in a general lack of energy, “run down” feelings, lethargy and a pattern of physical ailments. Colds, infections, fatigue and malaise may all be linked to a compromised immune system. Constant stress and anxiety are often large contributors to an overall physical vulnerability. These are signals, alerting you that it’s time to make a few simple changes in your life, leading to  a stronger and healthier immune system, in a natural and healthful way.

Support Your Immune System

– Slow Down and practice self-nurturing by making better nutrition and lifestyle choices.

– Strengthen your Immune System  More whole foods, Less refined and processed foods.    Fresh fruits and vegetables, Whole Grains, Plenty of rest – Exercise Program, Oxygenate the body outdoors in fresh air, .

– Cut Down On – Animal Fats – Sugar – Alcohol – Caffeine – Highly processed carbohydrates (mixes, instant foods, fast foods, sweets)

Eat Plenty:
Phytonutrients: Protect the body and fight disease: Examples: Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Squash- Supply Beta carotene Oils for vitamin E (Natural Virgin Olive Oil) Citrus Fruits for Vitamin C (Oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes)
Protein rich foods: Lean poultry fish and meats. Salmon and Mackeral enhance immune system
High Immunity Foods: Shitake and Mitake Mushrooms.
Hydrate: Black or Green Tea (decaffeinated recommended)…also plenty of pure water. Chamomile, Echinacea, Garlic, Astragalus.
Aim for a variety in foods to cover all essential nutrients.

Factors that Compromise Immune System ARE:
Too much sugar (simple carbohydrates-candy, soda, sweets),
High cholesterol
Too much Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Aspirin
Excess Sugar and Salt in diet
High cortisol levels add to lowered serotonin levels, which stresses immune system.
Avoid Fluorescent lights for long periods of time
Overuse of electrical equipment
Cellular phones
Anger compromises immune system for up to 6 hours.
Elevated blood pressure compromises immune system.
Codeine compromises immune system.
Heightened Adrenaline levels results in compromised immune system.
Electro-magnetic waves compromise immune system.
Over-use of Antibiotics compromise immune system.

Food Facts and Rebuilding a Compromised Immune System

SUGAR: Hinders immune system: – Leaves body vulnerable to infections. – Heavy sugar consumption adversely affects white cells – Large contributing factor to damaged immune system – Even small amounts of simple carbohydrates (sugar, soda, candy) reduces the ability of white blood cells to fight and annihilate bacteria. – Complex carbohydrates (healthy carbs) are highly recommended since they do not have the same negative effect as simple carbohydrates.

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Immune System

Outdoor activity on a daily basis.
Wholesome diet/nutrition plan
Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and avoidance of stimulants.
Swimming in cold water increases body’s resistance to bacteria and viral infections.
Eight hours sleep and relaxation.
Exercise Regularly- 20 minutes, 3x a week (walk, hike, swim or bike)
Decrease Stress- Learn art of detachment as you crowd out life’s stresses with positive interests, people and activities. Connect to your power people- Surround yourself with intelligent individuals who add to your life rather than detract.
Steam and stir fry foods. Bitter foods over sweet ones.
Maintain a clean and tidy (Hygienic) home. Natural Hygienic Products
Morning sunlight strengthens immune system. Sunlight before 10:00 AM and after 4:00 PM (not overexposure). Sunburn is stress on immune system.
Avoid electric blankets (AC currents).

Vitamins for Good Immune Function: Vitamin A, Zinc, Vitamin C, B Vitamin Complex, Vitamin E and Selenium Beta Carotene, Bioflavanoids, Garlic, Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Now is the time to naturally strengthen your immune system. Simple changes in nutrition and lifestyle boost even a compromised immune system and lead to a healthier and stronger mind and body. It’s always a choice. You have the power rebuild your immune system and experience a healthier life. Take the challenge and live your life to the fullest, both naturally and simply, as you make healthy choices that support a healthy immune system.

For further information, feel free to contact us at Anxiety Busters 215-635-4700 or

Quarantine Anxiety

Staying indoors, reading, watching television and doing whatever you wanted sounded great when we were kids. No school, relaxing, being waiting on, and noodle soup. What a life…for about three days. After the third day, one became bored and irritable. Everyone was outside playing, after school, and we were stuck in the house. It was a relief to return to school, regardless of the homework and tests.

It’s a little different today and maybe not so much. In the beginning it felt kind of cozy to have a few days off from the hustle and bustle of life. Sort of fun to have family around and nice homemade meals. It was a good time to catch up on little things you’ve been putting off. So, closets were cleaned, emails answered and fun foods were stocked up on. Fun and kind of safe.

The truth is that kind of safe is not safe enough and it’s really important to move past the irritation of being cooped up, and realize how essential it really is, for everyone. Someone gave the example of Anne Frank and her 761 days in hiding. Eight people in a 450 ft. space. They had no choice, and their lives depended on not being discovered.

Here are some ideas about how to keep a cool head while in quarantine:

Be thankful you are being protected by doing the simple task of avoiding crowds of people. Be happy that you now have the opportunity to become more self-aware, to read books, watch films and develop a stronger relationship with family members. This might be something you look back upon with fond memories.

Anxiety Reactions
Remember that anxiety and panic attacks are triggered by thoughts. Be aware of how you are thinking and be mindful of your perspective on each situation. You have a choice about how you view each situation, your surroundings and life in general. You have complete control over how you view everything around you, which can make or break your reactions. Be aware of how many “what if” sentences you say to yourself because these two little words can trigger the release of adrenaline. If you feel anxious, allow it to go through you without trying to stop it. It is your fear and running from the symptoms that fuel them. Keep busy and move around. Exercising, dancing and even cleaning closets are enough to reabsorb the adrenaline released anxiety caused by your worried “what if” thinking.

Boost Serotonin
You can naturally boost Serotonin (the feel good chemical in the brain) by making a few simple changes in your routine. Eating a lean protein with every meal and snack. Real food protein (poultry, meat, fish or dairy), not protein bars. A complex carb (no protein at this time) before bed, such as toast, bagel, whole grain cereal, whole grain crackers. This will release the Serotonin in the brain, resulting in a good night’s rest and feeling happier in the morning. Walking outdoors, since natural light boosts Serotonin through the optic nerve. Even if it’s not sunny, it’s still brighter than indoors and will boost Serotonin in the brain.

This is the time to use your creativity and come up with interesting things to fill your time. Find that book you’ve always wanted to read or film you’ve always wanted to watch. Plan a daily workout routine because being outdoors is nourishing to both mind and body. You might want to redecorate or paint your bedroom or another room in your house. Organizing closets, kitchen and desks can also be very satisfying.

Social Media
Keep in contact with friends and family online and through phone calls. You don’t have to physically be with someone to enjoy their company. There are also online card games you can play with two or more friends, as well as other group games that are fun. Share your feelings with friends and you’ll notice the similarities everyone shares during this time.

Contact the Elderly
It’s important to stay in touch with elderly family members. Being outdoors is fine and waving to grandparents through windows or dropping off food packages to them will be greatly appreciated. Remember, these are the people who love and miss you. They too were never quarantined and it’s difficult for them as well. Showing them you are thinking of them is a priceless gift that will always be remembered. Also, when you help another person, you are moving out of your own head and putting your own worries on hold.

Outdoor Activity
Being outdoors is an incredible way to break the cycle of boredom. Gardening is a proven way to lift your spirits as well. There are microbes found in the soil that have similar effects on the brain as Prozac minus the side effects and chemical dependency. Playing tennis is fun and you will still be maintaining distance between you and your partner. A walk in itself is a mood lifter and all around feel good exercise. You’ll sleep better, enjoy a healthy appetite and boost the feel good chemicals in the brain.

Now might be a good time to try a few new recipes and experience the joy of cooking. Baking is an opportunity to make delicious and most times healthier desserts, the whole family can enjoy. Everyone loves the cook, so this is a good way to show your family how much you care, receiving all their gratitude in return.

Online Classes and Activities
This might be a good time to take advantage of online classes. There are many free courses being offered and a wonderful opportunity to learn something new and fun. Art instruction, painting, printing, drawing, are all available online. Exercise and yoga classes are also available. Cooking classes, dance classes and home workouts can also be fun. For the kids there are celebrities reading books to children who are home from school. There are also creative art projects and crafts to keep your children occupied during this time. Spiritual classes are also beginning along with your favorite authors offering interesting YouTube instructions.

Most of all, know that we are all in this together. We all share the same feelings and worries. Talk it out with someone you trust. It helps greatly to voice your fears and hear reassurance from someone else who is going through it as well.

We are here for you and are now offering same day phone or online sessions. If you have further questions on this topic or any other concerning anxiety, feel free to call and we will be glad to set up an appointment for your convenience.


Anxiety Busters
Office Phone: 215-635-4700
The Natural Path to Permanent Recovery



Coronavirus Anxiety

You wouldn’t be human if you didn’t experience some fears about the Coronavirus or Covid-19. There are many reasons why anxiety concerning this disease is spreading throughout the world and the major cause of this is the lack of information concerning this illness.

In order to interrupt anxiety when a situation like this occurs one can apply a few appropriate steps to make living through this an easier journey. We are all together in this worldwide epidemic but in order to maintain peace of mind, you might find the following helpful:

1- Knowledge is Power- Listen or tune into reliable news sources and follow the advice of the CDC concerning steps for maintaining your health.

2- Boost Immune System- Eat well and steer clear of a junk food diet. Aim for lean proteins (meats, poultry, fish, dairy), fresh or frozen vegetables (frozen may be your best choice as they are not handled by anyone in the food market). Fresh or frozen fruits (frozen might your best choice again, as they are not left out or handled).

3- Exercise- Move and continue moving in fresh air and sunshine, minus crowds of people. This will boost endorphins, raise Serotonin (the feel good chemical) in the brain and lift your spirits. It will also calm down an overactive mind. Leave the worried head inside when you go for a walk.

4- Logic and Common Sense- Being cautious is fine and especially in this case. I would suggest you apply even more caution during this time but do not believe that worry and fear will serve you well. Take moments during the day and remind yourself that you are doing all that is necessary and anxious worry serves little purpose.

5- Look Out for Others- During a difficult public health crisis, the elderly often require extra health. By offering a helping hand, you pull yourself out of your own head and this is therapeutic in itself.

6- Music, Hobbies and Calming Activities- Quiet your mind through anything that interests you and pulls you out of panic mode. Lose yourself in things that pull you out of your own worried head. Lose yourself in a book you’ve wanted to read but never had the time to do so.

7- Make Smart Choices- Use your logical mind to choose activities that make sense to you. Smaller dinners with fewer friends or family, rental movies, postponements of events that may be risky may be the best choices at this time.

8- Self Soothe- Once you learn to reassure and calm yourself, the adrenaline rush begins to subside. We are what we think and being logical and careful at the same time is the best way to self soothe. If panics interrupt your life, due to the build-up of fearful thoughts, let go, while you tell yourself the truth of the situation. Facts matter and they are your strength against unnecessary anxiety and panic.

9- Keep a Cool Head- Focus on the here and now. This is the safest place of all. Yes, plan for any future events but remaining in the present moment takes the sting out of “what if” thoughts. In fact, change the “what ifs” to “so what.” Nothing is merely black or white in nature. There is always the gray area. Take a break from reading or watching news stories before bed. Everyone needs a break from over-thinking the situation, especially if getting a good night’s rest is your best defense against an over-anxious mind and body.

10- Communicate- Keep in touch with good friends and family. Even if you can’t be together, there is always online ways to connect, through chatting or face to face interaction. Making the best out of a difficult situation takes a little ingenuity but helps keep the stress chemicals from releasing and results in a calmer mind and body.

Most of all, remember that you are not alone. Nothing you are going through is different or unusual than anyone else. Discuss your feelings with friends and family and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how similar your feelings are to theirs. Time takes care of many of these events and learning to go through them the calmest way possible is to your advantage. Thinking with a cool head, eating correctly, resting when tired and keeping the proper perspective on the situation is your greatest weapon against the anxiety and stress in these times.

For further information about anxiety, feel free to call our Anxiety Busters at 215-635-4700 or check out our website:

Fodmap Dietary Plan for Relief of Stomach Bloating

Our digestion tract responds to our thoughts. This is why many refer to the stomach as the “second brain.” When one is upset or fearfully worried, their stomach will let them know in no uncertain terms that it’s time to settle down. This is why it is important to know a few essential steps to settle an anxiety induced upset stomach, especially a bloated belly.

The Low Fodmap Dietary Plan

During times of stress and aggravation, one often turns to foods that feel comforting but often result in a bloated belly. This is the time when it’s important to be aware of what you eat and trade out certain foods for ones that are easier on the gut.

Fodmap stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols, which are short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols that are poorly absorbed by the body, resulting in abdominal pain and bloating.

High Fodmap Foods (Foods to AVOID):
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Artichokes, Peas, Brussel Sprouts, Snow Peas, Lentils, Beans
Rye, Wheat
Apples, Peaches, Pears, Dried Fruits
Soft Cheeses
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Wheat- Pancakes, Bread, Pasta
Products with Lactose: Milk, Custard, Ice Cream and Yogurt (regular or Greek)

Here are a few foods that are will result in reduced digestive symptoms of bloat and discomfort.
Low Fodmap Foods (Good to Eat):
All Fats and Oils
All Melons, except Watermelon
Bananas, Blueberries, Grapes, Lemons, Limes,  Oranges, Strawberries
Hard and Aged Cheeses- Cheddar, Swiss, 2 soft cheeses only Brie and Camembert
Vegetables: Carrots, Celery, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Potatoes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Zucchini
Grains such as Corn, Oats, Rice, Tapioca
Beverages: Water, Coffee, Tea
Gelati (instead of ice cream)
Lactose Free Products

Also, be aware of sugar substitutes such as sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol as they produce the same stomach upset and bloating. They are found in some gums, over the counter medications, toothpaste and sugar free beverages.

Avoid carbonated beverages

Daily exercise also aids in the digestion of food and dissipates gas and bloating.

Apply a therapy that interrupts anxiety by changing the way you think and eat.

Naturally, it’s important to continue eating lean proteins, good complex carbohydrates and a variety of vegetables but you have a choice. Choose the foods that are low on the Fodmap scale and you will be pleasantly surprised at the change in how you feel. Bloating disappears and digestion becomes more comfortable. The is the natural way to combat the problem of bloated gut. No need for digestive tablets or liquid formulas. Your better food choices result in a calm, relaxed digestive system, with bloating a thing of the past.

For further information feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700,,

How to Fall Asleep, Naturally

Sleep is an important factor in the recovery process of intrusive anxiety. When one is plagued with exhausting symptoms of anxiety, they often find it difficult to fall asleep at night. A racing mind may become very active at the end of the day, especially when silence provides the perfect stage for worries to surface. It’s not difficult to turn off a racing mind once you understand what is required to fall into a good night’s rest. The bonus is you will awaken feeling calmer in the morning and more able to enjoy your day.

                                      Natural Regimen for Falling Asleep
The process for falling asleep at night begins in the morning hours of the day. When you awaken it is time to begin your natural regimen which will result in a sound and deep sleep at night. This is predicated upon what you do during the day and the nutrition you ingest all day long.

Science of Nutrition and Sleep: Amino acids are the precursor to Serotonin (the feel good chemical in the brain). To build amino acids one must eat a lean protein (chicken, fish, meat, dairy, etc.) with every meal and snack. To release the Serotonin, in order to feel sleepy at bedtime, it’s suggested to eat a complex carbohydrate (toast, bagel, dry cereal, etc.) without a protein at this time. Result: A sleepy, calm and simple way to fall into a sound night’s rest.

Exercise: The body craves movement during the day and this ensures a good night’s sleep and a simple way to easily fall into sleep. Outdoor exercise is preferable because fresh air is stimulating and sunlight (even on cloudy days) boosts Serotonin in the brain. It is always brighter outdoors that indoors and this contributes to Serotonin building in the brain. Small children fall asleep as soon as their head touches down on their pillow because they play outdoors during the day. As adults we forget to “go outside and play,” spending too much time at our desks, in front of computers. Take a break, early in the day and walk outdoors. Warning: It can be addictive, because you will feel better and sleep more soundly at night.

Lighting: Lighting plays a large role in feeling sleepy by bedtime. The sun goes down and the bright lights go on in our homes, malls and streets. This interferes with the body’s production of Melatonin, which in turn interferes with our ability to fall asleep. Early evening is the time to turn down the lights. Allow the body to adjust to night and it will naturally begin producing more Melatonin, giving you the naturally sleepy sensation. Also, if you awaken during the night, don’t reach for the bathroom overhead light, which will instantly cut off the production of Melatonin? Try a softer light to keep the sleepy sensations going without much interruption.

Bedroom Environment: The bedroom should become a cozy and calm place that naturally induces a relaxed sensation in both mind and body. A cooler temperature should prevail in the bedroom because the body temperature falls just before falling asleep. This is why we recommend cracking the window a bit to allow this process to take place within a cooler environment.

Mindset: Your mindset is everything when going to bed at night. If you worry all day long about falling asleep at night, you might be training your brain to worry, which is counterproductive to relaxation and sleep. Being completely relaxed is about letting go. It’s the absence of “trying” to do anything. In fact, giving yourself permission not to sleep will actually ensure you falling to sleep much more rapidly. It’s a paradox and an old trick that works incredibly well.

Listening: In order to cancel out the noise in your head, caused by a racing mind, you might want to focus on outside sounds. We all have experienced those far away sounds, way in the distance, that surround the home and filter in if we pay attention. Birds, trees rustling, a train in the distance, rain on the roof and all the other sounds of nature and even the city. This takes your mind out of your inward thoughts and gives it something neutral to focus upon. This neutrality is perfect for letting go and dozing into sleep.

Learning to value and protect your sleep makes it a healthier and more nurturing experience. With a few simple changes, sleeping well becomes your new habit. This is a behavior that is worth engaging in and will bring you extraordinary benefits. It’s the pure and natural approach to feeling stronger, aids in eliminating intrusive anxiety and provides an experience that continues to build a stronger mind and body. Your body, your mind and your entire sense of well-being will benefit in a myriad of ways. You’ll not only find that it’s easier to fall asleep but look forward to your new regimen of rest and relaxation.

For further information about falling asleep or recovery from anxiety, feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700,,


Reading Therapy (Bibliotherapy) for Anxiety

When one falls into the loop of anxiety, they often need something to interrupt this cycle of worry. The mind stubbornly goes inward, accompanied by negative, fearful thoughts. Changing behaviors works well with this type of habit but it’s been discovered that reading books is a simple and effective way to also interrupt this negative cycle of thinking.

Reading books gives the mind a chance to shift into an entirely different mode of behavior. It focuses on the story, rather than the self. This gives the mind a welcomed break from negative thought, which also affects the body. Fearful thinking releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, creating anxiety symptoms. By changing one’s focus, less fearful thought and less stress chemical release. The mind and body have a chance to settle down and recuperate.

Studies have shown that WW1 soldiers were given bibiliotherapy as a source of rehabilitation from emotional trauma during WW 1. Through the years many have used this method with positive results. Health care workers have witnessed a definite improvement in anxiety related conditions by those who followed a course of this reading therapy.

Books that tell stories are most helpful rather than medical books which only fuel the fear of unwanted symptoms. Therefore, novels are recommended, with tales that draw one in and keep the mind occupied in a way far from inward thinking.

The results of bibliotherapy are instantly noticeable and help fuel a rapid recovery:

-The mind and body experience a well-earned rest from worry and the intrusive cycle of anxious thought. It’s impossible to lose oneself in a story and worry simultaneously, and so reading immediately offers peace of mind.

– Blood Pressure is lowered because reading is similar to meditation. It calms and relaxes and even soothes a sensitized mind.

– Reading puts you on a mini vacation, away from the chaos that may surround you. All this can be achieved without leaving the comfort of your home or office.

– Reading allows you a break to quiet the mind and give it a chance to rewire. Problems are more easily solved with a rested mind.

– Reading, like meditation, grounds you and removes you from the hustle bustle of everyday life.

Using bibliotherapy is simple and very rewarding. It allows the mind and body to refresh and the rewards are unlimited. You’ll find yourself looking forward to that book waiting for you on your night table. The physical and emotional relief it brings can be dramatic and consistent. It’s something you can count on for maintaining a quiet and stress-free mind and body. This is your true source or relief from the stresses of everyday life, with a natural recovery method from the intrusive symptoms of anxiety.

For further information concerning reading therapy or any other source of anxiety, please feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700, or email

Anxiety: Natural Treatment, Permanent Recovery

Over the years there have been many acceptable treatments for the anxiety condition but many of them are temporary and fail to bring complete relief or permanent recovery. The natural approach, on the other hand, is the one treatment that creates new behaviors and in turn cools down an overactive mind, leading to permanent recovery. Learning how to follow the simple steps and applying them to your life, is the key to a natural, rapid and permanent recovery. Peace of mind replaces worried thoughts and happiness becomes the welcomed replacement for fear.

Retrain the Brain
It always begins with a thought. We are what we think and by learning to change the way you thinks, you can full gain control over the way your body behaves. It’s as simple as being aware of negative “what if” thoughts and changing them before they have become your automatic behavior. Being aware of these thoughts is the first step. How many times a day are you beginning your thoughts with “what if” fears and worries? Acknowledging this behavior is the beginning of changing it. It’s as easy as swapping out a “what if” thought with a more beneficial “so what” perspective on the issue or situation. By doing so, you are putting a stop to the constant release of adrenaline, which occurs with every “what if” sentence that crosses your mind. Without this chemical constantly releasing, the mind and body cool down, followed by a true sense of peace and calm.

Feed the Mind and Body
Food and Nutrition play a large part in the way that we feel. By selecting the correct foods, we can control the way we feel and act. It’s incredible what a difference food choices make in our everyday lives, at home, at work or in school. Concentration and focus can be increased by the proper food choices. We experience energy without feeling “wired.” Sleep comes more easily when governed by our food choices. Anxiety is be replaced by peace, calm and self-confidence, just by making simple changes to the foods we choose at every meal and snack.

Learning to use protein foods (meats, poultry, fish and dairy) with every meal and snack will result in stable blood sugar levels, leading to a calmer demeanor. Boosting Serotonin (the feel good chemical in the brain) naturally helps maintain a less anxious mind and body. This is naturally achieved by ingesting more protein in the diet, along with good carbohydrates. This means you are naturally manufacturing Serotonin in the brain by eating correctly every day.

Medications “hold” Serotonin in the brain but if you are not eating correctly, your body is not manufacturing Serotonin. This means there is little Serotonin to hold in the brain by using medications. This is clearly reflected in the way you might still feel symptoms. If, on the other hand, you are eating correctly, replenishing Serotonin on a daily basis by doing so, you are naturally feeling better, without the risk of side effects or withdrawal symptoms.

This simple yet effective method of using proteins and carbohydrates for the timed release of Serotonin in the brain is the natural answer for lasting recovery from anxiety symptoms, along with retraining a sensitized mind. Basically, it’s all about eating proteins with each meal and snack, while using complex carbohydrates to release Serotonin in the brain when ready to settle down for sleep. This results in a good night’s rest with the extra benefit of feeling more like your “old self” upon waking in the morning. Again, a protein with every meal and snack and a carbohydrate (dry cereal, toast, crackers) without a protein before bedtime, which releases Serotonin in the brain, resulting in a relaxed mind, ready for sleep. A natural sleeping aid without chemicals.

In Conclusion: The 2-Step Process- Retrain the Brain and Nutrition Plan
The combination of thinking correctly and using foods to create a less reactive mind and body is the key to opening the door to full and permanent peace of mind. This gives you full control over how you wish to feel, without the necessity of medication or outside sources. It’s a simple, effective treatment and with lasting results, minus side effects, withdrawal symptoms or interfering reactions. This creates true change and peace of mind in a short period of time. You become in charge of your own recovery without the upsetting side affects you might have struggled with in the past with medications. This simple approach is the natural yet strongest defense against intrusive anxiety symptoms, with you in complete control of your life. Most of all, it is the one and only permanent recovery treatment without side effects or interfering reactions.

For further information feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700 or email us at

Anxiety Symptoms and Recovery

We all have stressful lives because stress is a normal part of living. Stress keeps us on our toes and motivates us forward. This is to be expected but when stress grows out of control, the body often experiences stress reactions. This includes anxiety, panic attacks, fatigue and exhaustion. Being aware of the body’s stress reactions helps us recognize when it’s time to turn down the need to push too much and begin to nurture ourselves more. Look at anxiety reactions as red flags, warning one to slow down, moderate and nurture.

Here is a list of anxiety symptoms or red flags warning you to slow down:

Racing Heart or Palpitations
Racing Thoughts
Lack of Appetite
Feelings of Doom

Naturally, it’s best to rule out any physical reason for these symptoms before assuming they are strictly anxiety related.

Most believe these feelings are arising out of the nowhere but this is not the case. So much depends on your perspective and how you are thinking. If you perceive the world as a dangerous place, your thoughts often turn negative and fearful.

Fearful thoughts fuel body reactions. They often begin with “what if” and release adrenaline in response to the negative thought. Adrenaline causes the heart to race, lightheadedness and other feelings of anxiety. Small releases of adrenaline all day long lead to a trembling, over-reactive body or what we call sensitization.

A sensitized body begins with a thought. It all begins with a thought. Once you learn to change the way you think, you will have succeeded in interrupting the cycle of anxiety. It is basically the fear, adrenaline, fear cycle. Once understood and corrected, life returns to normal. You are no longer victimized by anxiety reactions.

Process for Recovery

– Recognize Your Thoughts- Be aware of your inner dialogue. How many times are you beginning sentences with “what if” and thinking fearfully? Remember: Fear releases adrenaline which fuels anxiety. “What if” thoughts are fearful and release adrenaline.

Don’t Run From Symptoms- If you experience anxiety symptoms, allow them to be there without changing them. Once you run from them or try to stop them, you are fueling them. This is a paradox. Do the opposite and they will melt away.
Remember: Symptoms will instantly stop without your fear to fuel them.

Breathe- No more breath holding or overbreathing in fear. Slow down your breathing and everything returns to normal.
Dizziness and feelings of lightheadedness are the result of overbreathing or breath holding.

Let Go- Release the tight hold you have on yourself and focus on the moment. Lose yourself in whatever you are doing. You are not ill. Anxiety is only the result of the fearful label you are putting on life.
It’s fine to be cautious but it is also all right to enjoy yourself. Let go of the habit of viewing life as dangerous. 

Basically, you have full control over how you feel. Anxiety symptoms are upsetting but they are not dangerous. Change the way you think and you have succeeded in changing the way you feel. This is simple, effective and without side effects, adverse reactions or withdrawal symptoms, as many experience with the use of medications.

You are not ill. Anxiety is basically a learned behavior that you can easily unlearn.

Each and every anxiety symptom has a logical explanation and can be reversed. Never forget this, even if a new symptom pops up. They often come in cycles but once you aware of this fact and how to interrupt them, you are in charge of your life again. You are no longer the victim of anxiety symptoms. It’s time to move forward and look at life as an enjoyable adventure rather than a dangerous experience. 

For further information contact us at Anxiety Busters
Phone: 215-635-4700
10:00 AM – 10:00 PM (EST)

Good Stress vs. Bad Stress: The Natural Approach

Once in a while we feel anxious or jittery when everything good is going on in our lives. How on earth could this be causing anxiety? Well, it actually can, especially if the good things that are occurring can be classified as Good Stress.

Examples of Good Stress are the following:

– Getting Married/Planning a Wedding
– Having a Baby
– Going on Vacation/Being on Vacation
– Moving
– Planning a Family Celebration
– Holiday Gatherings
– Guests
– Starting School
– Going off to College for the first time.
– Remodeling Home
– Traveling
– Beginning a New Career/Job

All the items listed above are events that are cause for happiness but they can be stressful at the same time. This is where the anxiety may seep in. Being aware of this and learning to compensate for the stress allows you to glide past the intrusive symptoms without being overwhelmed.

Examples of Bad Stresses:

– Health difficulties
– Angers
– Fears
– Work Tensions
– Relationship Problems
– Recent Break-up
– Divorce
– Death of family member or friend
– Military Wartime Stress
– Fire
– Flood
– Burglary
– Shocking event occurrence
– Losing your home
– Continued fearful worries in general

Being aware of your stresses enables you to make life choices and changes when necessary. Remember, it is very normal to have stresses and if approached correctly, they can be easily coped with so your life can smoothly continue.

There are many Simple, Natural ways to cope with stress related anxiety:

  • Above all, be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to be human with faults and mistakes, just like everyone else.
  • Exercise Before Worry- Every moment you are enjoying exercise, your brain is producing good Endorphins and boosting Serotonin levels naturally. This counters the stress chemicals released by tension.
  • Watch how you talk to yourself- Negative thoughts sprout more negativity, leading to anxious reactions.
  • Take Breaks- Listen to music during breaks and not necessarily soft music. Whatever sounds soothe you, which in many cases can be anything but classical.
  • Socialize- Being with the people we like helps take our minds off ourselves. This in itself is a good break.
  • Nutrition- Watch what you eat and make good choices. Avoid too much sugar, caffeine, simple carbs. Choose more lean proteins, fresh fruits and vegetables and good fats. The difference in the way you feel is noticed immediately and pretty amazing.
  • If you have a specific problem or worry, don’t hesitate to share it with a trusted person. It helps to talk it out and move past the stress.

Whether you are experiencing good stress or bad stress, there are effective ways to cope and move forward in life. Being aware of these stresses is half the battle. Learning to interrupt them effectively puts you in the driver’s seat.

For further information about dealing with more intrusive anxiety feel free to contact us at 215-635-4700. We offer a Free Phone Consultation and will be glad to speak with you. It sometimes helps to speak to someone who has been there before and knows the way out. We welcome your calls and questions. We are as close as your phone.

Anxiety Busters
Phone: 215-635-4700, 10:00 – 10:00, 7 Days a Week